Know your congress project. The goal of this project is to make people more aware of what is going on in our Congress.

Click Here to try it out. It does not require any password. To learn more on how to query the database, please read NEO4J Cypher Manual.

We would like to get more feedback. Please fill out the information below and let me know what you think.

MATCH (l:Legislator)-[r]->(b:Bill)

MATCH (b)-[f:From]->(c:Committee)

WHERE (b.description CONTAINS "gun" OR b.description CONTAINS "Gun")

RETURN l,r,b,c

Sample Queries

MATCH (l:Legislator)-[g]-(s:School)


RETURN l,g,s

To learn more on how to query the database, please read on NEO4J Cypher Manual.

MATCH (l:Legislator)-[r]->(s:School)


RETURN l,r,s